workflow modeling tool中文什么意思

发音:   用"workflow modeling tool"造句
  • modeling:    n. 制造模型的方法,造型(术);塑 ...
  • tool:    n. 1.工具,用具,器具;【机械工 ...
  • modeling tool:    建模工具; 塑模工具
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  1. This paper first presents the basic concepts of virtual prototyping , then strongly lays emphasis on the workflow simulation which is the part of virtual prototyping , brings forward a object - oriented method of workflow modeling to develop a workflow modeling tool
  2. This paper first introduces the basic concept and its development of workflow , provides the workflow reference model defined by workflow management coalition , and realizes a workflow management system which is based on the traditional relational database system according to the analysis of real business requirements , which includes graphical workflow modeling tool , workflow engine , workflow monitoring tool , and so on . this paper uses object - oriented method , discusses the data model consisting of two components , namely : organization model and information model , and realizes the interface of workflow engine in order to communication with other modules . this paper gives a research on the application of workflow to popular information systems such as erp , crm and e - government
    根据此参考模型,结合实际的科研项目,使用面向对象的方法进行设计,提出了一种基于关系结构的工作流管理系统的框架结构,给出了工作流建模和引擎相关的机构模型和信息模型的详细设计,并实现了工作流引擎所提供的接口和方法,采用com组件方式,实现了工作流参考模型中提出的图形化的工作流建模工具( wfmodeling )和用于后台驱动的工作流引擎( wfengine ) ,并实现了工作流的管理和监控功能。


  1. workflow engine 什么意思
  2. workflow event 什么意思
  3. workflow management 什么意思
  4. workflow management system wfms 什么意思
  5. workflow metrics export 什么意思
  6. workflow object 什么意思
  7. workflow process definition 什么意思
  8. workflow process wizard 什么意思
  9. workflow processing 什么意思
  10. workflow rollback pattern 什么意思



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